Contract Award Notice
Project Name: Citizen Centric Service Delivery Project Country
Albania Project Number: AL-8521
Name of Project: Citizen Centric Service Delivery
Project ID: AL – 8521
Contract Name: Advisory Support for the Validation of Use of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) 70 Maps
Contract Identification No: AL-8521-CS/CQ/3.10.05
Procurement Method: Consultant Qualification Selection (CQS)
Awarded Company:
Name: AAM Consulting ltd, Hungary
Contract price: 53,107 EUR including withholding tax
Duration: 4 months
Companies that has expressed their interest
Individual companies
GLCC Solutions, Georgia
AAM Consulting, Hungary
A2F Consulting, US
IDRA Research & Consulting, Albania
Institute on Governance IOG, Canada
Joint -ventures:
JV – Ernst & Young Albania shpk associated with Ernst & Young SRL, Romania
JV – Apex Consulting & Alfa Soft, US and Moldova
JV – Deloitte Albania and Deloitte Italy and Deloitte Slovenia
JV – Albkons & PWC, Albania